29 August 2018

Asset Forfeiture: Commissioner of Police v. Fennell

Living in Dublin and allegedly using Irish backpackers as drug mules to smuggle ecstasy and cocaine into New Zealand, Francis Gary Fennell had $73,000 deposited in an ANZ bank account seized as proceeds of crime, part of the $233,500 police claim was generated by New Zealand drug sales.
Fran Fennell is under investigation in Ireland for his alleged involvement in a drug distribution network reaching New Zealand and Australia.  The Fennell drug connection surfaced locally when drug importations were picked up during passenger searches by New Zealand Customs.   
Police told the High Court Fennell recouped at least $233,500 from drug sales in New Zealand.  Much of the money was shifted offshore using banks, Western Union and couriers.  The High Court ordered $73,000 remaining in Fennell’s ANZ bank account be seized under the Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act.
Commissioner of Police v. Fennell – High Court (29.08.18)